They easily get addicted to various functions of the mobile phone. Older people have fun by reading books on serious themes. The waterfalls attract the tourists. A challenge is an experience that one has never faced before. The Time as well as money is an important thing for man. Beside all these patriotic feelings must be cultivated in people. People have many benefits from public property. Some people fill their houses with unnecessary furniture and electronic gadgets. The world is facing a drinking water problem, too. Challenges come rolling after us till death. Guides you on how to identify the purpose and poi Chat to Buy one has a goal in life. I think u shud visit Are u doing first or second language?? One may fail in facing up to a challenge. Youths. A healthy person can enjoy long life. In Singapore, it is compulsory for students of all levels to Testimonials from Xynthea, Valerie, Celest, Danzel & Andre (English Tuition) 22nd August 2019 / 0 Comments Galle, Trinco, Nuwara Eliya etc are some of them. It is no longer a luxury item one can boast of. Thanks. This causes land pollution and soil infertility. This is a major threat to all the living beings. So, most people enjoyed reading. We should be simple in our speech and manners, too. New Almost every house and work place has a computer. I will teach them English Eating fast food in family restaurants has become a trend today. Simple living is a blessing for life. Besides them frustration and anger can also influence a person towards vandalism. There are flowers along the roads and in every garden. Man has been able to save many lives thanks to the development in medical technology. Well.. Following the rules of the game is another great sportsmanship quality. Modern cellular phones provide us many facilities such as camera, internet , SMS , GPRS etc. There are different kinds of books like religious books, literary texts , history books etc. Some educated people leave their motherland and serve another country. Lack of exercises expose one to many illnesses like diabetes , obesity , high blood pressure etc. Categories: Discursive/Argumentative, English Language, Model Essays. Environmental pollution is a major problem in the modern world. Check out similar products here! In descriptive essays, you have to describe a person, place or thing. If the question states “describe a person that helped you in the time of need”, don’t just go on about how the person helped you, you have to describe the person and his attributes as well. Solving these Past Papers will help you to prepare for CAIE previously CIE O Level English (1123). The world today is different from the ancient world. Sajendra Kumara Marks Paragraph Titles: 1. The authorities can impose heavy taxes on polythene and encourage people towards other materials. In this booklet a range of candidate responses has been chosen to exemplify grades A, C and E. He never misses his lessons. This is mainly due to modern technology. today. But it is an advantage for the developing countries. The water sources get polluted due careless dumping of polythene. I will become a teacher and serve the mankind the best I could. I did my O levels too.. Home is the first place one practices discipline. Law does not address the attitudes and emotions of people. In other words, a healthy student can learn well. It is enough to prepare us for these topics? Good sportsmanship is a top human quality that remains in one's life till death. So, everyone pays for public property. Should young people always respect and obey their elders? Then he went to South Africa and started the journey of his life as a lawyer. Reader's Digest is excellent for starters and those with a weak mastery and foundation of the English Language. Thank you very much your service. In short, polythene is harmful to all the living beings: born and yet to be born. Only logged in customers who have purchased this product may leave a review. The large tea estates add more beauty to this cool environment. my knowledge of English, too. GREAT WORK SIR! The vandals do not understand that all the citizens have to pay for it. The waterfalls enhance the beauty of Nuwara Eliya. It is said that wisdom comes with age. It is a beautiful town surrounded by mountains. How relevant are these challenges to … English Spelling – Dessert vs Desert; Personal Recount Model Essay #3; Narrative Model Essay #2; 2 Comments. But failures teach us more lessons. Narrative Essay Writing Sample II ... We write all types of essays including personal essays, narrative essay, persuasive essays, essays on current affairs, essays on critical topics, expository essays, and descriptive essays on all the topics. People who are aged over 60 to 65 are generally regarded as elders. earth. They are also known as 'senior citizens'. The colleges can organize meaningful activities for young people to engage in so that children develop a sense of belonging. Royal virginia if in let no study before essay was essay so say dont english actually in trying out huge models among, level.. O level englishexorbitantmodel essays It must be a place where we can enjoy our life. Sorry for the delay. The society should never forget this reality. So the aim of my life is to be a teacher. It is a quality that any sportsperson can cultivate while enjoying the sports experience. Climatic changes also occur due to pollution. The fruits of education are reaped by another country. I wish to work in a different from person to person. The society we live today is a creation of elders. For another it could be overcoming an economic problem. Model papers for General English (New Syllabus) available. Children are a major attraction to mobile phones. We should eat healthy food for a healthy life. O level essay book with tons of different model essays Essays are all of high creativity and even tips on how/ what to brainstorm about Includes different types of essays to cater to your different writing style: creative, general, analytical and situational bout at $14.90 and selling at $5.50 wh. Very suitable essays for exams. We should observe simplicity in life in our day-today activities like taking food, clothes , speech etc. Appreciate a lot. GCE O-Level, 2014, English Tuition. The Haggala Botanical garden is one of the oldest flower gardens in Sri Lanka. They say a well read man is a walking library. Polythene is found from the top of the highest mountain to the deepest forest in the world. Discipline changes the attitudes of people. It was a new experience to me. will probably be a world where machines do most of the work. He encouraged people to cultivate what they wanted in their home gardens. You can engage in monetary transactions,too. There are law enforcing authorities. There are many reasons for the society to respect elders. They are water pollution, air pollution , sound pollution and land pollution. Environment pollution occurs in all these four forms. He saw how his countrymen were suffering at the hands of the British. The benefits of simple living cannot be explained in just a few sentences. Most people do not belong personal vehicles for travelling. They will They do not have a comfortable life style in their motherland. There are famous scientists, actors , inventors , sportsmen etc. Cellular phones are also very useful for us in an emergency. Candidates can expect a variety of situations and they must respond accordingly. We get knowledge mainly from books. They will invent flying An English Model Question Book for Grade 11 is available. It is no more a luxury iitem people can boast of. The recent experiments have proved this with strong evidence. It helps our education. Categories: Discursive/Argumentative, English Language, Model Essays. They are found in every nook and corner in the world. Nuwara Eliya is the most favourite holiday resort in Sri Lanka. religious, business and educational purposes. The government collects money in the form of taxes to build and maintain public property. Scientists gather knowledge through various experiments and observations.How scientific knowledge is used practically is called technology. 1. Here are some of our in-house essay and notes that were written by him for our O Level English students. Vandalism is an offence punishable by the law. Then how can we protect public property? The cellular phone is very useful for modern man. Such a person doesn't have to see the doctor. Tags: Model Essays, Quotes. My son, let there be sand in our mouths". Sample of essay directions tips on writing descriptive essays. In other words polythene does not decay. He organized massive protest campaigns against the British rule in India. It is a tradition that comes down generations. He wanted to free his country from the British. ... Level 1 Essays Drowning by Delwyn Goh The Accident by Jaron Chong. Developing countries have to import high quality manpower at the expense of billions of dollars to fill the vacuum. It will be Mandarine. Man will speak only one language. I always think of my goal. So, I started working hard for the term test. Author: Sajendra Kumara, a teacher of English working at a government school at Nittambuwa. Very importent and simple essays. The society learns the traditions and customs from the elders. Some people quit their challenges. Destruction of environment is equal to killing ourselves. They are like the seasons. Good eating habits keep us healthy and wealthy. Essay my family english exam good or bad essay o essays level english Gce model, short essay on a person who inspired me: essay on holiday in punjabi an essay on climate change pdf. Challenges are an important part of everyday life. This 3-volume set of a collection of essays prompts Polythene has an adverse effect on human life. Books , internet and newspapers are the most common sources of knowledge. The society should always seek their advice. A visit to the village fair ... English Essays for O L Author: Sajendra Kumara, a teacher of English working ... OL 2018 New Syllabus English Paper. Sir I want to be a English is important in this days? They will employ different forms of writing to suit a range of purposes and will show that they can understand the content and argument of given texts. They will tour in other planets According to the Hindu customs Gandhi married at an early age. A good book is a good friend. Soon, teachers started sending loads of work on whatsApp and other social media. Among them the person who inspired me most is a freedom fighter. Specially the teenagers must be educated on public property. This is also known as 'human capital flight'. O' Level's English Essays Thursday, 26 September 2013. They share their experiences with the society. earner in the modern world. It is the oldest source of knowledge. Today loser can be tomorrow's winner. I think its best for u to buy the books.. u doing O lvls or IGCSE?? IT IS VERY HELPFUL FOR ME. So future houses will not have a kitchen. He was shot dead by an Indian on the 30th January 1948. Most of the great people and intellectuals led a simple and a happy life. I People also travel for We should avoid junk food and eat a balanced diet. The Pink Quartz Mountain. Categories: Discursive/Argumentative, English Language, Model Essays. We did not go out for the new year. Technology is a part of science. His job was to keep the king happy. They are the architects of the most of the facilities we enjoy today. I need long preparation for that. need to work hard to achieve my goal. Some of them learn in a foreign country and do not return. be less human activity. For example, when clive bell and r. Jones, the university of massachusetts and its tires do not award fractional marks, it is sufficient for something … They use a computerized system for transactions. The computer is the best example for this. Discipline is an essential part of human life. Andare was married and had a son. The schools can play a big role in protecting public property. We should have at home only what is essential for simple living. Syllabuses The syllabus year refers to the year in which the examination will be taken Infinitely more enduring essays level o and level english essays challenging experience of learning that includes. It gradually blunts man's creativity. We should build a simple cute house for living. most of the animals we see today will disappear forever from the planet His son replied " father mother has just died". I'm highly appreciated your service!!!! Modern technology offers us many facilities. His son was also as clever as Andare. He himself practised what he told his people. Andare went home and told his plan to his son. Therefore a healthy child is a clever child. Mother made some sweetmeats and milk rice. Technology is also a cause of unemployment. It is an important thing to show respect to other players. Both of them rolled over the mat eating as much sugar as possible. But after about one week I had to give up my hopes. Thanks. I had a lot of work to do. is the main source of income of most of the countries of the world There is a cool climate in Nuwara Eliya. The English Activities , essays and past papers which I am publishing here will be of immense use to you. Altering the details in a personal web site is one other form of vandalism. The investment on education is wasted due to brain drain. Horton plains is also situated in Nuwara Eliya. O Level English Language 1123 About O Level English Language Syllabus The Cambridge O Level English Language syllabus enables learners to communicate accurately, appropriately and effectively and to understand and respond appropriately and imaginatively to what they read and experience. The bus halts shelter you from the sun and rain. The use of polythene must be minimized. As a result of pollution both man and animal fall ill. The cellular phone is a good servant but a bad master. It Pls upload grade 11 whole paper. Underline the main point of the topic (such as Politics). These are a few things we can do to respect our elders. I felt that I was a prisoner at home. Burning polythene creates a lot of harmful gasses. Today most people are lazy to work because of technology. Some people said that the country was 'locked down'. It will look more like an alien planet we see in movies. This is really unfortunate. A country spends a large sum of money to produce a trained professional. Public property means the facilities we enjoy in common.Public property belongs to all of us. English Model Activities O/ L : MODEL ENGLISH ESSAYS FOR O L Usually, elderly pepople are rarely found in engaing in vandlaism. Andare asked the king "your Highness, what's that white stuff on the mat?" Hospitals are equipped with modern technology. So elders are a valuable resource to the present society. It helps us save our time and money. So the future man will be less physically He works very hard and earns money. and make holiday resorts on the moon. 3000. There must be rules and regulations with heavy penalties to discourage people using polythene. I watched most of them. Today very few die of diseases. Directed writing (Report on School Problems) Address of the writer Subject: Reporting about the school's problems and providing suggestions To the Principal of X school, The life of the Gauthama Buddha, The Prophet Mohammad , The Jesus Christ, Gandhi etc. People hand over everything to machines and they have nothing to do. (English O-level 2017, Syllabus 1128) It is safe to say that all of us have lied at some point or other of our lives. Reading takes us to a world of imagination. The best method to prevent vandlaism is self discipline. They come one after the other. Then people will never leave their motherland in search of a better world. facilities. so useful. There was no cinema. Flowers and Nuwara Eliya are intertwined. I did not understand anything at first. Here are the list of sample essays by Secondary 2 students. One can find different causes for vandlaism. The benefits of polythene are only momentary. Both boys and girls engage in vandlaism. I wished all my friends and relations on the telephone. They will employ different forms of writing to suit a range of … Expands content knowledge and language skills, Challenges students'critical thinking skills to craft logical arguments, Provides insights on commonly tested topics, Anonymous Some people excel in some field and become famous. Nice and useful workGood for all studentsGood luck write more. O level English Essays. We cultivated brinjals, chilli , long beans , tomato etc. They have long served the society. are a few examples for public property. Man's Challenges come in different forms. They impart their wisdom to the society. You can find notes and exam questions for Additional math, Elementary math, Physics, Biology and Chemistry. Then he saw some white sugar spread on a mat. Beside schools vandalism can also be seen in public transport services, libraries , hisotorical sites etc. Facing up to the challenges depends on one's personality. What are the challenges teens face in society? Technology does not leave any room for man to think. They had fun by reading. I was shocked to hear that all the schools would be closed till further notice.The government declared an island-wide curfew. The following morning Andare was talking with the king in the royal garden. Smoke from vehicles and factories , industrial waste and war also cause serious damage to environment. However there is a tendency for vandalism among boys than girls. Though clothes are essential for man for covering the body and to be attractive there is no need to run after various fashions like mad dogs. Young children enjoy reading adventure stories. Hope to contribute more in future. Victory and defeat are parts of any game. Polythene is a necessary evil in the modern world. Specially, I like to help children. It means the deliberate destruction of public porperty. The repercussions of brain drain are felt in the long run. Our body needs exercises. This practice leads one to be a loyal citizen. small school and help those poor children. 'Health is Wealth' is a popular saying in the society. Lack of meaningful activities can also be a cause of vandlaism. 100 English essay questions for O levels. Discipline is associated with culture , gender , age , religion , profession etc. GCE written english o level essay models O-Level, 2014, English Tuition. Was this review helpful to you? are some other causes of environmental pollution. It is one of the major threats to the ecosystem. cars. So man needs to find urgent solutions for environmental pollution. People have fun by reading novels , poetry collections , newspapers , story books etc. Children will not go to school in the year 3000 as they do today. The Cambridge O Level English Language syllabus enables learners to communicate accurately, appropriately and effectively and to understand and respond appropriately and imaginatively to what they read and experience. Today most people suffer from various non communicable diseases like diabetes , high blood pressure , cancer etc. Sir,I'm sanom.I found this by accident.I am much grateful to u for this deed.It's very useful to students like us who study by will be easy to do O/L if u all follow this blog to improve ur essay writing skills. never succeeds in life. Tourism means travel for pleasure. However as they spend most of their time with electronic gadgets they Man will fly freely in the sky. I am in grade 11, this website is very helpful and gives many advantages thank you very much sir. They help us lead a successful life. are also sources of knowledge. suppe thath esays were exelent thanyo somuch , thank you very much your essays are beautiful, thank you very much your essays are beautiful. Everybody should think of simple living. For more subjects Past Papers checkout O LEVEL Past Papers Improve your English Grades Quickly! But scientists will be able to bring back to life some of the Elders have contributed immensely for the progress of the society. The rapid growth of population poses a big threat to environment. Sometimes people spend more on clothes than on food or education. Arisimale/ Sometimes, it was boring. O level English Essay: Choosing a career is the most important decision in a person’s life Rating 3.33 out of 5 638 Responsesto “O level English Essay Topics” This is a common issue in most of the developing countries. Have any new clothes for the new year future children will use e-books and e-pens for writing for O. 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